Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea
Fresh Roasted Papua New Guinea Coffee
Our fresh roasted Papua New Guinea coffee is made from 100% Arabica beans that are grown at high altitudes in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. The beans are roasted to a dark roast, which brings out the coffee's natural chocolatey flavor. The resulting coffee has a bold, rich flavor with notes of dark chocolate, caramel, and nuts.
Recommendation: Great drip coffee for those who love a darker and bolder flavor out of the cup. Papua New Guinea is Fantastic as Cold Brew!
Association: Keto Tapasi
Process: Washed
Elevation: 1600-1800 MASL (Meters Above Sea Level)
Region: Huehuetenango
Association Info: Keto Tapasi Progress Association was founded in 2008 as an association of smallholder coffee growers from 18 communities and villages in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea, in the Chuave District. The organization has around 375 members, who cooperate and collaborate despite the vast differences in both culture and language between their heritage groups. The organization has been Fair Trade–certified since 2011 and certified organic since 2014, and has used the premiums it receives to invest in depulpers as well as warehouse space and transportation.
Smallholders typically own anywhere from a couple to a couple-hundred coffee trees, and sustenance farming on these more "garden-like" plots is common; the call them coffee "gardens," in fact, rather than farms, and the farms themselves have no names and carry no formal demarcation to indicate where one neighbor's land ends and the other's begins. Generally, the farmer members will depulp and ferment their coffee on their own farms; it is bought and sorted in parchment at the central mill in Goroka for drying, in deliveries from 25–65 kilograms.
Region Info: The Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea is located in the center of the country close to the largest port city. This provides many farmers access to roads, while other producers are deeper in the mountains and valleys, growing coffee gardens in the rainforest. The cool temperatures of the valleys create some of the world's most diverse cloud forests. Coffees here ripen slowly under the forest shade with plenty of moisture.
Washed Processing Info: The Washed process varies greatly across the growing regions of Guatemala due in large part to the different terroir and terrain that exists from place to place there, but for the most part the primary difference in style is in the length of time that the coffee is allowe to ferment. Generally speaking, coffee is picked ripe and depulped the same or the following day, then allowed to ferment for anywhere between 12–48 hours, depending on the climate. The coffee is then washed clean of its mucilage and spread on patios or raised beds to dry.