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Regular price $18.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $18.00 USD
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This medium roast Peruvian coffee is a delightful paradox. Crafted with 100% organic beans, it boasts a bold flavor profile that's surprisingly light-bodied. Expect a smooth cup with a rich aroma, perfect for those who enjoy a complex yet approachable coffee experience.

Here's a breakdown of why it works:

  • This medium roast Peruvian coffee: Sets the stage and specifies the origin.
  • 100% organic beans: Highlights the quality and eco-conscious sourcing.
  • Bold flavor profile: Emphasizes the robust taste.
  • Surprisingly light-bodied: Creates intrigue and highlights the unique balance.
  • Smooth cup with a rich aroma: Describes the sensory experience.
  • Complex yet approachable: Appeals to a wider audience who enjoy both depth and drinkability.

Recommendation: French press or pour-over might be ideal for highlighting the lighter body.

Process: Washed

Elevation: 1600-1900 MASL (Meters Above Sea Level) 

Region: Peru

Program Info: Around 90,000 hectares of coffee farmland in Peru is certified organic, and it is one of the places with the highest percentage of certified-organic exported coffee in the world. It is estimated that 25–30% of the smallholder farmers in Peru are members of democratically organized cooperatives and associations, making it easy to source FTO-certified lots.

Region Info: Though coffee arrived in Peru relatively early—in the middle of the 1700s—it wasn’t cultivated for commercial export until nearly the 20th century as demand from Europe rose due to a significant decrease in coffee production in Indonesia. British presence and influence in the country helped increase and drive exports. In the early 1900s, the British government took ownership of roughly 2 million hectares of land from the Peruvian government as payment on a defaulted loan, and much of that land became British-owned coffee plantations.

As in many Central and South American countries, the large European-owned landholdings were sold or redistributed throughout the 20th century. Farms became smaller and more fragmented, offering independence to farmers but also limiting their access to resources and a larger commercial market. Unlike many other countries whose coffee economy is dominated by smallholders, Peru lacks the organization or infrastructure to provide economic or technical support to farmers—a hole that outside organizations and certifications have sought to fill. The country has a remarkable number of certified-organic coffees, as well as Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, and UTZ-certified coffees. Around 30 percent of the country’s smallholders are members of democratic co-ops, which has increased the visibility of coffees from the area but has done little to bring incredibly high-quality lots into the spotlight.

As of the 2010s, Peru is one of the top producers of Arabica coffee, often ranked fifth in world production and export of Arabica. The remoteness of the coffee farms and the incredibly small size of the average farm have prevented much of the single-farm differentiation that has allowed for microlot development and marketing in other growing regions, but as with everything else in specialty coffee, this is changing quickly as well. The country’s lush highlands and good heirloom varieties offer the potential for growers to beat the obstacles of limited infrastructure and market access, and as production increases, we are more likely to see those types of advancements.

Washed Processing Info: The Washed process varies greatly across the growing regions of Guatemala due in large part to the different terroir and terrain that exists from place to place there, but for the most part the primary difference in style is in the length of time that the coffee is allowe to ferment. Generally speaking, coffee is picked ripe and depulped the same or the following day, then allowed to ferment for anywhere between 12–48 hours, depending on the climate. The coffee is then washed clean of its mucilage and spread on patios or raised beds to dry.

*Information provided by Cafe Imports


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